Monday, November 14, 2011

The 5 Week Challenge

The 5 Week Challenge was born shortly after a period of deep funk. I am currently away from my lovely home city of Toronto and studying for my masters degree in Barcelona. Most people think "Barcelona, Wow, you are so lucky!" and the truth is, yes, I am lucky. But for a number of reasons, that I may delve into in later posts, I have not been able to come to fully enjoy the experience.

After days, weeks and now months of convincing myself that things will get better and that I will like it here and pretending and pushing myself hard to ignore myself, I broke.  I crashed and was mentally, emotionally and as a result physically unhealthy. I have managed to upset and hurt my uber supportive boyfriend with my negativity and I looked like death for about a week (not a good look for a fashionista).

Long story short, I have come to terms and accepted the fact that my environment and surroundings will not change. I will not necessarily fall in love with my lifestyle here and there is little I can do to change the situation here, but what I can do, is change my attitude towards a shitty situation.

Enter the 5 week challenge.

The reason for 5 weeks is- in 5 weeks from today, I will be going back home to Toronto to visit my lovely sister, my amazing boyfriend and wonderful friends for a full 3 weeks (where else but in Europe can you have full 3 weeks for a Christmas break).  My challenge is to make those 5 weeks a time to focus on positivity and health through the following:

1)Keeping Busy with school and organizing outings for the week

2)Exercise- I love working out and so being hopped up on endorphins at least 4 times a week is not really all that hard

3)Health Food- I always try to eat healthy, but because I have this bad habit of "sharing a kitchen=not my own kitchen, therefore not gonna cook/ I don't want to cook for myself only" I have fallen off the wagon. I neglected fruits and vegetables and ate really random stuff.

4)Appearance- Who cares if people in Barcelona don't dress up or care to look good? My appearance is for myself.

5)No Drama. A promise I made to my boyfriend. I am lucky to have the most supportive man i've ever met by my side and I do not want my negativity to hurt him ever again. Even if I get sad, Drama will not be allowed.

Please join me and support me through my challenge. It is day 1 and I feel great.