Monday, May 30, 2011

My athletic wishlist

Being active is something that has become a part of my routine. I love working out and I love the way it makes me feel and the energy it gives. I seriously love getting hopped up on post workout endorphins. I am usually the person at the gym who is never really well dressed (with the exception of my hot pink adidas runners), and lately, I have been itching to buy new workout gear. Here's whats on my wishlist so far...
It is essential to stay hydrated, and what is a better way than to do it using a high quality BPA free stainless steel Kleen Kanteen bottle? 

Super cool Runners.

Really cool hoody to wear on the way to the gym.
Opposite to my love for humongous purses, I really prefer small gym bags. This Stella McCartney tote is almost perfect

Lately, I've been into long sleeve workout gear. 

Cutest running shorts ever!